Music by The Refusers

Friday, October 12, 2012

Compassion is...The Most Powerful Divine Emotion of a Hue'Man A Guest Post by Jyothis Chrystallis Orthonis


Compassion is... The Most Powerful Divine Emotion of a Hue'Man

This Articulation is being presented inspired YET AGAIN by Eva's latest Blog on Compassion...
that I felt most profoundly matching / resonating with WHO I AM
and what I have known and have forever wanted to speak about it...
and yet at times, it is these Magical Angels we need who comes softly nudging in your heart
with LOVE-PROMPTs of all invisible kinds that gets you to EXPAND upon with your own Unique Light... Grateful to you Eva...

COMPASSION - what is it NOT?
~ * is-NOT, S-Y-M-P-A-T-H-Y or PITY or offering of Sorry which only doubles up on the Sorrow...
Sympathy, Pity and Sorry are very Dualistic and Conditional...
as soon the situation The Other is in, or the condition the Other is through changes or improves,
Sympathy, Pity, sorry ceases to be...
Do we need a Victimized Condition in any Other to sympathize/pity/feel sorry that holds the other in that state in utter disempowerment?
Re-Cognition of WHO Is through that situation or condition is what BALANCEs both the seer and the seen, that makes them ONE,
where the Separation Consciousness is dissolved unto ONENESS...
COMPASSION - what is it?

~ * is, The PASSING-ON of Your I / Divine Consciousness... and thusly you go ON and ON and ON, Passing The The Journey...
~ * is, a Coming forth with that Divine PASSION to Look with that Divine EYE to SEE that DIvine in Others,
so as to INTEGRATE that piece of your WHOLE SOUL's Puzzles completed in the Journey back HOME...

~ * is, the Most Powerful Divine Emotion of a Hue'Man
~ * is, that Divine Intelligent Emotion... a Knowing... A Seeing... in the Self & Others
~ * is, The Most Blessed Spiritual Catalyst that you carry within you, as YOU... apply YOU in situations...
~ * is, a beautiful Magnificent and Profound God-Piece of YOU...
~ * is, SEE-ing The HEART-of-The-TRUTH... of WHO WE ARE in an-OTHER...
~ * is, The Third LANGUAGE of Co-Creation with all...
~ * is, walking The Conscious Match-Bearer's Path within... awake... in complete allowance of The Divine

Offer that piece that You are, as Solutions to all puzzles / challenges / defense / resistance / and all that negates the Light, Dear ONEs...
in You and around You in your Divine Connect between You and your Higher-SELF./ The YOU...
Is, The Greatest and Most Beautiful CONNECT with any-Other through your Divine Heart,
that you wilfully ANCHOR Into your Hue'Man Heart and Radiate from therein...
--- * --- it can be The SOULFUL Presence of you completely wholesomely to others in all situations...
--- * --- it can be a Soul-Smile that brightens up hearts and souls...
--- * --- it can be a look with Soul Re-Cognition that You are SEEING / FEELING / KNOWING The Other as YOU in them...
--- * --- it can be an offer of Pure Deep Soul-Listening without joining in with their emotions nor adding in your emotions but just as such...
that it falls in that STILLNESS and The PRESENCE you offer as vast space for the Other to just be and expand and relax...
which in turn rejuvenates them, recharges them, revitalizes them...
and this you offer from Your Inner Abundance that YOU ARE... greatly charitable...
many mistake compassion and expect sympathy, pity being poured over
and when this is not worded unto, they go on demanding / complaining, "Oh, you did not show Compassion!"
which truly is a begging for sympathy / pity... Oh Dear...

Is COMPASSION somehting that you can beg from another?

Yet many do this, in their sitting lowly within themselves below their Inner LIGHT, as a VICTIM-on-LACK & Powerlessness...
they either become sad and cry, or become so charged with blame on others who dont offer them what they 'expected'...
people, circumstances, situations, conditions, rules, regulations, laws and anything they can eye on...
Begging, pulling, forcing that out of an-Other is not the way either when no sympathy / pity / sorry is offered...
Are we tuned in to see/know/feel The OTHER is SEEING / FEELING / KNOWING of you in your 'conditioned state'?

What if you can look to others with your enabled EYE within that ONE amongst a 100 may have offered you that STILLNESS
In their Re-Cogntion of who you truly ARE, Seeing / Feeling / Knowing You?
Does The Victim' awaken with the Looker-Seer and The Onlookers??
Though this can be a SIGN-POST for the Victim(s), does a VICTIM truly See this?
Or are VICTIMs sleepers who are Angels who enable MASTERY in an-Other who is a DIVINE LOOKER-SEER-FEELER-KNOWER?
If the Latter is so TRUE, then there is GRATITUDE too in the LOOKER-SEER that he/she can offer, is it not?
just QUEST-ions!! unto Our Next Best Version that we each climb unto in the NOW...
just Ponderings... just reflecting...within... oh, so many pebbles to BALANCE within... to cast The LOVE upon within, Dear ONEs...
just Soul-Stirrings that dont go into Rocking those Boats...
but contemplating on an INNER PATHWAY within of BALANCE,
to walk, drive, swim, float, skip, hop, jump, skid along...
This has sent me to my STILLNESS within, unable to A-N-S-W-E-R anything but being in that Inner Knowing...
Only to smile and move on...KNOWING and SEEING that Divine in them right through and feeling The Presence of it,
though this person has chosen to go in The Absence of This Great PRESENCE...
and hence fails-to-be-Present...

Compassion is The GREATEST SEEING

of that WHO SO IS through all that is NOT...
Declaration of this SEEING in the other as Compassion,
is in the GREETING of India: N-A-M-A-S-T-E:
and that too when ONE encounters those who are not lovable or nice,
But those difficult for egoic Mind to Re-Cognize their True Essence...
that ONE firstly is to Re-Cognize within ONESELF...
as part of becoming a Compassionate ONE...
It is such a PASSION-Fruit to eat! ;--)
Makes you so Fruitful too...
Hmm... Very beautiful offering, Dear ONE...
As you LIGHT UP Your Interiors, Dear ONEs, with LIGHT of LOVE...
and begin to feel compassion for the moment, for the piece of God that is you,
you WILL RADIATE that which you FEEL from The GOD-SOUP and from within YOU,
for all segments of YOU waiting for you to gather them and UNITE within as ONE WHOLE BEING...

I Celebrate YOU each-ONE...
You are dearly loved,


Jyothis Chrystallis Orthonis


The Presence's Blog


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